Speaker: Paolo Bossi

How to select candidates for treatment de-intensification in HPV associated oropharyngeal cancer ?

The role of quality of life in the management of head and neck cancer

Role of geriatric assessment in treatment decisions for elderly patients with head and neck cancer

HPV status, artificial intelligence, and IO in head and neck cancer

The future role of immunotherapy in head and neck cancer

Head and neck cancer at ASCO 2022

Improving response to immune checkpoint blockade in cSCC

Resistance to immune checkpoint blockade in patients with cSCC

Probiotics and gut mucositis

Factors predicting the outcome of immunotherapy to patients with head and neck cancer

Updates on the SINTART2 trial in patients with inoperable sinonasal epithelial tumors

Mucositis workshop highlights

Take home messages from mucositis workshops

I-TACKLE: IO followed by cetuximab in la/metastatic cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas

Reducing oral mucositis in patients treated with CRT using avasopasem manganese

Berlusconi e l'insulto a La Russa, il video del momento del litigio al Senato

Supportive Care in Cancer During COVID-19 - Webinar June 25, 2020

Nonlocal equations under different perspectives - IV

The Neuroscience of Space, Time and Number - 3

prova sonora organo

Il futuro dell'energia: un'analisi dagli stakeholders internazionali

Giuramento del Ministro Matteo Salvini

Costituzione e Coscienza Cristica - Intervista a Mauro Scardovelli

Brutalismus 3000 | Boiler Room Festival London 2021 | Possession